April 30, 2010

Fresh Strawberry Pie

{printable recipe here}
Sometimes it takes longer to photograph and write up a recipe than it does to make it! This is one of those recipes- a quick graham crust (you could even buy it, though it wouldn't taste as great), sliced berries covered in a quick sauce (with a hint of lemon zest to surprise), and sweet whipped cream. It took only a few minutes to put together before I had to run to a Church meeting, and then this luscious, red pie sat in my fridge waiting. I was impatient. I'd made a yummy dinner but I couldn't stop thinking about this pie.

By the time everyone was ready to eat it there was no time for photos! I took a couple and we dug in. The pie was gone faster than it was made. I ran these pictures through this fun site and love the old look to them. This is a simple, classic dessert. I don't know a soul who would turn it down. Thank goodness strawberries are in season, because I must to make this again. Thanks Romaine for the new family favorite.

Fresh Strawberry Pie
{printable recipe here}
from Anne Strawberry
adapted from the wonderful Romaine

For the crust:

1 sleeve of graham crackers (or 1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs)
3 tablespoons sugar
Pinch of salt
1/2 stick (4 tablespoons) unsalted butter, melted

Center a rack in the oven, preheat the oven to 350°F. Butter a 9-inch springform pan. Pulse the graham crackers in a food processor with the sugar and salt. After they are smooth, turn the machine on and pour the melted butter through the tube until just combine. Gently press into the springform pan (or pie or tart pan) and smooth over bottom and sides, as desired (I usually make mine pretty rough edged, it doesn't have to be perfect!) Place the pan on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Set the crust aside to cool on a rack while you make the filling.

For the filling:

2 pounds of strawberries, washed and sliced
2/3 cup cold water
2 tablespoons corn starch
3 tablespoons powdered strawberry jello (1/2 a small, 4 ounce box)
3/4 cup corn syrup
zest of one lemon

Whisk water and cornstarch in a medium saucepan. Beat in cornstarch, jello, and syrup and bring to a boil over medium high heat. Stir constantly until mixture thickens and starts to bubble. Remove from heat, stir in lemon zest, and mix in the sliced strawberries. Stir gently and pour over crust. Refrigerate at least two hours before serving with whipped cream or ice cream.

Have a great day!


  1. oh my gosh, my farmers market up the street has FRESH LOCAL STRAWBERRIES.

  2. That strawberry pie so cute! And the edible pie looks good too! - mary

  3. I'm a big fan of strawberries...especially in a pie!
    Love the photo- so cute!

  4. Hi Anne--
    I just bought two boxes of strawberries about an hour ago, and I was considering making some sort of impromptu strawberry pie or tart for dessert tonight! Now I am wishing I had strawberry jello on hand so I could use your recipe (hmmm . . . what to do . . . ?). Speaking of strawberries, Ms. Strawberry, your Baby Strawberry is getting cuter all the time! Does anyone ever call her Shortcake? ;)

  5. This looks like a great quick recipe. I love strawberries so much, a true taste of summer. And that picture is so cute!

  6. Omigosh....that little strawberry is just the cutest thing ever...I have sons so I am super jealous of cute hair accessories! Great recipe.

  7. The baby! What a doll. I could just stare at her all day long, and then have a piece of you pie, and stare some more.

  8. Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone!

    Jane, I'm cracking up you don't have jello in your house already (I think my mom keeps at least 20 boxes on hand at all time!) As for Baby Strawberry, I'll have to try out Shortcake as a nickname for her. I don't think you can have too many, really!

  9. yuuuum!! I've been dreaming of making strawberry pie for a few days now. Your little girl is so cute too!

  10. Complimenti, ti seguo da un po' le tue ricette sono fantastiche, e la tua bambina è bellissima.

  11. Baby Strawberry is so precious - love that photo! The pie looks terrific too, fresh strawberries are so delicious!

  12. What a little sweetie you have there!! She totally distracted me from the pie, but it looks great too! Strawberries are so beautiful (and inexpensive!) right now that I've had a tendency to overbuy - I need to put some to good use in this pie!

  13. Hi Anne, I'm just now seeing this. It looks fabulous. I love the way your can get perfect little whipped cream swirls. I have not figured that one out yet. Your little girl is just too cute!
